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* fs.h --
* The external interface to the filesystem module is defined here.
* The main object at the interface level is Fs_Stream. A standard set
* of operations apply to all streams. A stream is created by
* Fs_Open on a pathname, with flags used to differentiate between
* the different kinds of streams. After that, the main operations
* are Fs_Read, Fs_Write, Fs_IOControl, Fs_Select, and Fs_Close.
* Parts of the Fs to Dev interface are also described here, including
* Fs_Device, which describes a device, and Fs_IOParam, Fs_IOCParam,
* and Fs_IOReply, which are standard parameter blocks.
* Copyright (C) 1987 Regents of the University of California
* All rights reserved.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this
* software and its documentation for any purpose and without
* fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright
* notice appear in all copies. The University of California
* makes no representations about the suitability of this
* software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without
* express or implied warranty.
* $Header: /sprite/src/kernel/fs/RCS/fs.h,v 9.14 91/04/12 17:34:05 kupfer Exp $ SPRITE (Berkeley)
#ifndef _FS
#define _FS
#ifdef KERNEL
#include <sys.h>
#include <syncTypes.h>
#include <procTypes.h>
#include <user/fs.h>
#include <fmt.h>
#include <bstring.h>
#include <kernel/sys.h>
#include <kernel/syncTypes.h>
#include <kernel/procTypes.h>
#include <fs.h>
#include <fmt.h>
* Fragment stuff that is dependent on the filesystem block size
* defined in user/fs.h. Actually, the fragmenting code is specific
* to a 4K block size and a 1K fragment size.
#define FS_FRAGMENT_SIZE 1024
* The following structure is referenced by the process table entry for
* a process. It contains all the filesystem related state for the process.
typedef struct Fs_ProcessState {
struct Fs_Stream *cwdPtr; /* The current working directory. */
unsigned int filePermissions;/* The bits in this mask correspond
* to the permissions mask of a file.
* If one of these bits is set it
* TURNS OFF the corresponding
* permission when a file is created. */
int numStreams; /* Size of streamList array. */
struct Fs_Stream **streamList; /* Array of pointers to open files.
* This list is indexed by an integer
* known as a streamID. */
char *streamFlags; /* Array of flags, one for element
* for each open stream. Used to
* keep the close-on-exec property */
int numGroupIDs; /* The length of the groupIDs array */
int *groupIDs; /* An array of group IDs. Group IDs
* are used similarly to the User ID. */
} Fs_ProcessState;
* The following low-level file system types have to be exported because
* the type of Fs_Stream is already exported. This could be fixed by
* only exporting an opaque Fs_StreamPtr type, or by changing the definition
* of Fs_Stream from a struct to a pointer to the struct.
* All kinds of things are referenced from the object hash table. The generic
* term for each structure is "handle". The following structure defines a
* common structure needed in the beginning of each handle. Note, most of
* these fields are private to the FsHandle* routines that do generic
* operations on handles. One exception is that the refCount on FSIO_STREAM
* handles is manipulated by the stream routines. The handle must be
* locked when examining the refCount, and it should only be changed
* under the handle monitor lock by the FsHandle* routines.
typedef struct Fs_HandleHeader {
Fs_FileID fileID; /* Used as the hash key. */
int flags; /* Defined in fsHandle.c. */
Sync_Condition unlocked; /* Notified when handle is unlocked. */
int refCount; /* Used for garbage collection. */
char *name; /* Used for error messages */
List_Links lruLinks; /* For LRU list of handles */
#ifndef CLEAN
Proc_ControlBlock *lockProcPtr; /* pcb of process that has the
* lock */
} Fs_HandleHeader;
#define LRU_LINKS_TO_HANDLE(listPtr) \
( (Fs_HandleHeader *)((int)(listPtr) - sizeof(Fs_FileID) \
- 2 * sizeof(int) - sizeof(char *) - sizeof(Sync_Condition)) )
* The following name-related information is referenced by each stream.
* This identifies the name of the file, which will be different than
* the file itself in the case of devices. This is used to get to the
* name server during set/get attributes operations. Also, this name
* fileID is used as the starting point for relative lookups.
typedef struct Fs_NameInfo {
Fs_FileID fileID; /* Identifies file and name server. */
Fs_FileID rootID; /* ID of file system root. Passed
* to name server to prevent ascending
* past the root of a domain with ".."*/
int domainType; /* Name domain type */
struct Fsprefix *prefixPtr; /* Back pointer to prefix table entry.
* This is kept for efficient handling
* of lookup redirects. */
} Fs_NameInfo;
* Fs_Stream - A clients handle on an open file is defined by the Fs_Stream
* structure. A stream has a read-write offset index, state flags
* that determine how the stream is being used (ie, for reading
* or writing, etc.), name state used for get/set attributes,
* and an I/O handle used for I/O operations.
* There are many different types of I/O handles; they correspond
* to local files, remote files, local devices, remote devices,
* local pipes, remote pipes, locally cached named pipes,
* remotely cached named pipes, control streams for pseudo devices,
* psuedo streams, their corresponding server streams, etc. etc.
* The different I/O handles types are defined in fsInt.h
* This top level Fs_Stream structure is also given a handle type
* and kept in the handle table because of process migration and
* the shadow streams that file servers have to keep - on both
* the client and the server there will be a Fs_Stream that
* references an I/O handle. The I/O handles will be different
* types on the client (i.e. remote file) and the server (local file).
* The Fs_Stream object will be the same, however, with the same
* usage flags and internal ID.
typedef struct Fs_Stream {
Fs_HandleHeader hdr; /* Global stream identifier. This
* includes a reference count which
* is incremented on fork/dup */
int offset; /* File access position */
int flags; /* Flags defined below */
Fs_HandleHeader *ioHandlePtr; /* Stream specific data used for I/O.
* This really references a somewhat
* larger object, see fsInt.h */
Fs_NameInfo *nameInfoPtr; /* Used to contact the name server */
List_Links clientList; /* Needed for recovery and sharing
* detection */
} Fs_Stream;
* Flags in Fs_Stream that are only set/used by the kernel.
* (Flags passed in from callers of Fs_Open are defined in user/fs.h
* The low order 12 bits of the flags word are reserved for those flags.)
* There are two groups of flags, the first is used mainly at lookup time
* and the rest apply to I/O operations.
* (These open related bit values are defined in user/fs.h)
* FS_CREATE - Create if it doesn't exist.
* FS_TRUNC - Truncate to zero length on opening
* FS_EXCULSIVE - With FS_CREATE causes open to fail if the file exists.
* FS_MASTER - Open pseudo-device as the server process
* FS_NAMED_PIPE_OPEN - Open a named pipe
* FS_CLOSE_ON_EXEC - Cause stream to be closed when the opening
* process executes a different program.
* (These I/O related bit values are defined in user/fs.h)
* FS_READ - Open for reading (also FS_READABLE)
* FS_WRITE - Open for writing (also FS_WRITABLE)
* FS_EXECUTE - Open for execution (also FS_EXCEPTION)
* FS_APPEND - Open for append mode
* FS_NON_BLOCKING - Open a stream with non-blocking I/O operations. If
* the operation would normally block, FS_WOULD_BLOCK is returned.
* (These open-time bit values are defined below)
* FS_FOLLOW - follow symbolic links during look up.
* FS_PREFIX - Set when opening prefixes for export.
* FS_SWAP - Set when opening swap files. They are not cached on
* remote clients and this flag is used to set caching state.
* FS_OWNERSHIP - ownership permission. The calling process has to
* own the file in order for a lookup to succeed. This is
* used for setting attributes.
* FS_DELETE - Open a file for deletion. Write permission is needed
* in the parent directory for this to succeed.
* FS_LINK - This is used by FslclLookup to make hard links. Instead
* of creating a new file, FslclLookup makes another directory
* reference (hard link) to an existing file.
* FS_RENAME - This goes with FS_LINK if the link is being made in
* preparation for a rename operation. This allows the link,
* which in this case is temporary, to be made to a directory.
* (These I/O related bit values are defined below)
* FS_USER - the file is a user file. The buffer space is
* in a user's address space.
* FS_USER_IN - For I/O Control, the input buffer is in user space
* FS_USER_OUT - For I/O Control, the output buffer is in user space
* FS_CLIENT_CACHE_WRITE - This write is coming from a client's cache.
* This means the modify time should not be updated
* since the client has the correct modify time.
#ifdef SOSP91
* FS_DIR - This is a directory.
#endif SOSP91
* FSUTIL_TRACE_FLAG - This is used to enable the taking of trace records
* by low level routines. This means that the tracing can
* be confined to particular operations, like open, while
* other operations, like remove, don't pollute the trace.
* FS_SERVER_WRITE_THRU - Set on writes that are supposed to be written
* through to the server.
* FS_HEAP - This is a heap page for special treatment in the cache.
* FS_RMT_SHARED - Set on streams that are shared among clients on
* separate machines. For regular files this means that the
* stream offset is being maintained on the server.
* FS_NEW_STREAM - Migration related. This tells the I/O server that
* the destination of a migration is getting a stream for
* the first time. It needs to know this in order to do
* I/O client book-keeping correctly.
* FS_WRITE_TO_DISK - Write this block through to disk.
* FS_MAP - File is being mapped into virtual memory.
* FS_MIGRATED_FILE - Migration related. This says a file has been
* involved in a migration, so (for example) if the file
* gets flushed to the server then the host that's flushing
* it knows to attribute the flush to migration. Used
* for statistics.
* FS_MIGRATING - Migration related. This says a file is in the
* process of migrating. Also used for statistics.
* MIGRATED_FILE stays set for any file that has ever been
* migrated (it is reset if the file is not open anywhere), while
* MIGRATING is set as a temporary flag during cache consistency
* operations, for a single reference to the file.
#define FS_KERNEL_FLAGS 0xfffff000
#define FS_FOLLOW 0x00001000
#define FS_PREFIX 0x00002000
#define FS_SWAP 0x00004000
#define FS_USER 0x00008000
#define FS_OWNERSHIP 0x00010000
#define FS_DELETE 0x00020000
#define FS_LINK 0x00040000
#define FS_RENAME 0x00080000
#define FS_CLIENT_CACHE_WRITE 0x00100000
#ifdef SOSP91
#define FS_DIR 0x00200000
#endif SOSP91
#define FSUTIL_TRACE_FLAG 0x00400000
#define FS_USER_OUT 0x00800000
#define FS_SERVER_WRITE_THRU 0x01000000
#define FS_HEAP 0x02000000
#define FS_RMT_SHARED 0x04000000
#define FS_NEW_STREAM 0x08000000
#define FS_WRITE_TO_DISK 0x10000000
#define FS_MAP 0x20000000
#define FS_MIGRATED_FILE 0x40000000
#define FS_MIGRATING 0x80000000
* Basic I/O parameters. Note that the stream is identified by context,
* either the pseudo-device connection or additional RPC parameters.
* This structure is initialized in Fs_Read/Write and passed down to
* the stream-specific I/O routines. This record should be considered
* read-only to avoid conflicts with other layers.
* Fs_IOReply is used to return information about the transfer.
typedef struct Fs_IOParam {
Address buffer; /* Buffer for data */
int length; /* Byte amount to transfer */
int offset; /* Byte offset at which to transfer */
int flags; /* Operation specific flags */
Proc_PID procID; /* Process ID and Family ID of this */
Proc_PID familyID; /* process */
int uid; /* Effective user ID */
int reserved; /* Not used */
} Fs_IOParam;
* FsSetIOParam - macro to initialize Fs_IOParam record.
#define FsSetIOParam(ioPtr, zbuffer, zlength, zoffset, zflags) \
{ \
register Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr = Proc_GetEffectiveProc(); \
(ioPtr)->buffer = zbuffer; \
(ioPtr)->length = zlength; \
(ioPtr)->offset = zoffset; \
(ioPtr)->flags = zflags; \
(ioPtr)->procID = procPtr->processID; \
(ioPtr)->familyID = procPtr->familyID; \
(ioPtr)->uid = procPtr->userID; \
(ioPtr)->reserved = 0; \
* Fs_IOReply is used to return info from stream-specific I/O routines
* back up to Fs_Read/Write. The length has to be updated to reflect how
* much data was transferred. The routines can also cause a signal to
* be generated by setting signal to non-zero. The signal and code
* are initialized to zero by top-level routines, so these fields can
* be ignored if no signal is to be generated. Finally, the flags field
* contains the three select bits that indicate the state of the object
* after the operation.
typedef struct Fs_IOReply {
int length; /* Amount transferred */
int flags; /* Stream flags used, noted below. */
int signal; /* Signal to generate, or zero */
int code; /* Code to modify signal */
} Fs_IOReply;
* Flag bits for Fs_IOReply:
* FS_READABLE Object is currently readable
* FS_WRITABLE Object is currently writable
* FS_EXCEPTION Object has an outstanding exception
* These bits are defined above because they come from the stream flags.
* Parameters for I/O Control. There is also a returned Fs_IOReply
* that specifies the amount of valid data in the outBuffer,
* and a signal to return, if any.
typedef struct Fs_IOCParam {
int command; /* I/O Control to perform. */
Address inBuffer; /* Input buffer */
int inBufSize; /* Size of input params to iocontrol. */
Address outBuffer; /* Output buffer */
int outBufSize; /* Size of results from iocontrol. */
Fmt_Format format; /* Defines client's byte order/alignment
* format. */
Proc_PID procID; /* ID of invoking process */
Proc_PID familyID; /* Family of invoking process */
int uid; /* Effective user ID */
int flags; /* FS_USER_IN and FS_USER_OUT indicate if
* input and output buffers are in user space,
* respectively */
} Fs_IOCParam;
* FS_MAX_LINKS - the limit on the number of symbolic links that can be
* expanded within a single domain. This is also the limit on the
* number of re-directs between domains that can occur during lookup.
#define FS_MAX_LINKS 10
* Values for page type for Fs_PageRead.
typedef enum {
} Fs_PageType;
* Device drivers use Fs_NotifyReader and Fs_NotifyWriter to indicate
* that a device is ready. They pass a Fs_NotifyToken as an argument
* that represents to the file system the object that is ready.
typedef Address Fs_NotifyToken;
* Flags returned from device driver open procedures.
* FS_DEV_DONT_LOCK - Do not lock the device's handle during IO operations.
* The default is to only allow one call to a device's
* read or write procedures active at any time. Device's
* that set this flag are responsible for doing their
* own synchronization.
* FS_DEV_DONT_COPY - Do not copy user resident IO buffers in and out of
* the kernel for this device. The default is to
* malloc() a kernel resident buffer for device IO
* operation. Device's that set this flag are
* responsible for doing IO operations directly to
* user's address spaces.
#define FS_DEV_DONT_LOCK 0x1
#define FS_DEV_DONT_COPY 0x2
* TRUE once the file system has been initialized, so we
* know we can sync the disks safely.
extern Boolean fsutil_Initialized;
* These record the maximum transfer size supported by the RPC system.
extern int fsMaxRpcDataSize;
extern int fsMaxRpcParamSize;
* Filesystem initialization calls.
extern void Fs_Init _ARGS_((void));
extern void Fs_InitData _ARGS_((void));
extern void Fs_InitNameSpace _ARGS_((void));
extern void Fs_Bin _ARGS_((void));
extern void Fs_ProcInit _ARGS_((void));
extern void Fs_InheritState _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *parentProcPtr,
Proc_ControlBlock *newProcPtr));
extern void Fs_CloseState _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr, int phase));
* Filesystem system calls.
extern ReturnStatus Fs_AttachDiskStub _ARGS_((char *userDeviceName,
char *userLocalName, int flags));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_ChangeDirStub _ARGS_((char *pathName));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_RemoveStub _ARGS_((char *pathName));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_CommandStub _ARGS_((int command, int bufSize,
Address buffer));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_CreatePipeStub _ARGS_((int *inStreamIDPtr,
int *outStreamIDPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_GetAttributesIDStub _ARGS_((int streamID,
Fs_Attributes *attrPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_GetAttributesStub _ARGS_((char *pathName,
int fileOrLink, Fs_Attributes *attrPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_GetNewIDStub _ARGS_((int streamID, int *newStreamIDPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_HardLinkStub _ARGS_((char *fileName, char *linkName));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_IOControlStub _ARGS_((int streamID, int command,
int inBufSize, Address inBuffer, int outBufSize,
Address outBuffer));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_MakeDeviceStub _ARGS_((char *pathName,
Fs_Device *devicePtr, int permissions));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_MakeDirStub _ARGS_((char *pathName, int permissions));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_OpenStub _ARGS_((char *pathName, int usageFlags,
int permissions, int *streamIDPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_ReadLinkStub _ARGS_((char *linkName, int bufSize,
char *buffer, int *linkSizePtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_ReadStub _ARGS_((int streamID, int amountRead,
Address buffer, int *amountReadPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_ReadVectorStub _ARGS_((int streamID, int numVectors,
Fs_IOVector userVectorArray[], int *amountReadPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_RemoveDirStub _ARGS_((char *pathName));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_RemoveDirStub _ARGS_((char *pathName));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_RenameStub _ARGS_((char *pathName, char *newName));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SelectStub _ARGS_((int numStreams, Time *userTimeoutPtr,
int *userReadMaskPtr, int *userWriteMaskPtr,
int *userExceptMaskPtr, int *numReadyPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SetAttributesIDStub _ARGS_((int streamID,
Fs_Attributes *attrPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SetAttributesStub _ARGS_((char *pathName,
int fileOrLink, Fs_Attributes *attrPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SetAttrIDStub _ARGS_((int streamID,
Fs_Attributes *attrPtr, int flags));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SetAttrStub _ARGS_((char *pathName, int fileOrLink,
Fs_Attributes *attrPtr, int flags));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SetDefPermStub _ARGS_((int permissions, int *oldPermPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SymLinkStub _ARGS_((char *targetName,
char *linkName, Boolean remoteFlag));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_WriteStub _ARGS_((int streamID, int writeLength,
Address buffer, int *writeLengthPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_WriteVectorStub _ARGS_((int streamID, int numVectors,
Fs_IOVector userVectorArray[], int *amountWrittenPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_FileWriteBackStub _ARGS_((int streamID, int firstByte,
int lastByte, Boolean shouldBlock));
* Filesystem system calls given accessible arguments.
extern ReturnStatus Fs_UserClose _ARGS_((int streamID));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_UserRead _ARGS_((int streamID, int amountRead,
Address buffer, int *amountReadPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_UserReadVector _ARGS_((int streamID, int numVectors,
Fs_IOVector *vectorPtr, int *amountReadPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_UserWrite _ARGS_((int streamID, int writeLength,
Address buffer, int *writeLengthPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_WriteVectorStub _ARGS_((int streamID, int numVectors,
Fs_IOVector userVectorArray[], int *amountWrittenPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_UserWriteVector _ARGS_((int streamID, int numVectors,
Fs_IOVector *vectorPtr, int *amountWrittenPtr));
* Kernel equivalents of the filesystem system calls.
extern ReturnStatus Fs_ChangeDir _ARGS_((char *pathName));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_Close _ARGS_((register Fs_Stream *streamPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_Command _ARGS_((int command, int bufSize,
Address buffer));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_CheckAccess _ARGS_((char *pathName, int perm,
Boolean useRealID));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_GetAttributes _ARGS_((char *pathName, int fileOrLink,
Fs_Attributes *attrPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_GetNewID _ARGS_((int streamID, int *newStreamIDPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_HardLink _ARGS_((char *pathName, char *linkName));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_IOControl _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr,
Fs_IOCParam *ioctlPtr, Fs_IOReply *replyPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_MakeDevice _ARGS_((char *name, Fs_Device *devicePtr,
int permissions));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_MakeDir _ARGS_((char *name, int permissions));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_Open _ARGS_((char *name, register int useFlags,
int type, int permissions, Fs_Stream **streamPtrPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_Read _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr, Address buffer,
int offset, int *lenPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_Remove _ARGS_((char *name));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_RemoveDir _ARGS_((char *name));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_Rename _ARGS_((char *pathName, char *newName));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SetAttributes _ARGS_((char *pathName, int fileOrLink,
Fs_Attributes *attrPtr, int flags));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SymLink _ARGS_((char *targetName, char *linkName,
Boolean remoteFlag));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_Trunc _ARGS_((char *pathName, int length));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_TruncStream _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr, int length));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_Write _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr, Address buffer,
int offset, int *lenPtr));
* Filesystem utility routines.
extern void Fs_CheckSetID _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr, int *uidPtr,
int *gidPtr));
extern void Fs_CloseOnExec _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
* Routines to support process migration: encapsulate and deencapsulate
* streams and other file state, and clear file state after migration.
extern ReturnStatus Fs_InitiateMigration _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
int hostID, Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr));
extern int Fs_GetEncapSize _ARGS_((void));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_EncapFileState _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
int hostID, Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr,
Address ptr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_DeencapFileState _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
Proc_EncapInfo *infoPtr, Address buffer));
* Routines for virtual memory.
extern ReturnStatus Fs_PageRead _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr, Address pageAddr,
int offset, int numBytes, Fs_PageType pageType));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_PageWrite _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr,Address pageAddr,
int offset, int numBytes, Boolean toDisk));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_PageCopy _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *srcStreamPtr,
Fs_Stream *destStreamPtr, int offset, int numBytes));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_FileBeingMapped _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr,
int isMapped));
* Routines that map to/from user-level streamIDs.
extern ReturnStatus Fs_GetStreamID _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr,
int *streamIDPtr));
extern void Fs_ClearStreamID _ARGS_((int streamID, Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_GetStreamPtr _ARGS_((Proc_ControlBlock *procPtr,
int streamID, Fs_Stream **streamPtrPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_GetAttrStream _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr,
Fs_Attributes *attrPtr));
extern ReturnStatus Fs_SetAttrStream _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr,
Fs_Attributes *attrPtr, Fs_UserIDs *idPtr, int flags));
extern void Fs_CheckSetID _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr, int *uidPtr,
int *gidPtr));
extern ClientData Fs_GetFileHandle _ARGS_((Fs_Stream *streamPtr));
extern struct Vm_Segment **Fs_GetSegPtr _ARGS_((ClientData fileHandle));
#endif /* _FS */